Suitable fermentation substrates1. Poultry manure | Poultry manure is the faeces of poultry bound in litter. Dry/fresh chicken droppings occur with various different forms of rearing in egg production. The dry matter content ranges from 15 to 60%. The problem of processing pure dry chicken droppings lies in the high proportion of adherent sediments (small stones and sand), which can have a negative impact on the plant technology in several different ways and contribute to increased wear and tear on pumps and mixers.
In turn, the high proportion of nitrogen in poultry faeces can have such a negative impact on the process biology that perfect operation is no longer possible. In the case of traditional plant concepts, at the most these substrates are mixed into the main substrate in low doses in order to avoid operational problems.
The spectrum of raw materials described as poultry manure ranges from chicken, duck/goose manure to manure from hatching egg production to turkey manure from rearing and fattening stalls.
Before utilising the substrate to be processed, careful investigation in terms of structure, dry matter/organic dry matter content and other content, in particular harmful substances, is essential.
It must be ensured that, aside from the nutrients, the substrate has a balanced carbon – nitrogen ratio (C : N). Poultry faeces have a high nitrogen content! In the case of overly low C content, addition of extra chopped straw is to be recommended. |